To maintain organizations security, we provide our clients with a view of the tactics and tools used by threat actors. Threat Intelligence Services gives you access to the intelligence you need to mitigate these threats.
We provide organizations with of :
- Understand recent actor, Malware or vulnerability trends.
- Proactively hunt threat actors targeting your organization or sector.
- Accelerate your threat response by prioritizing the threats that matter most.
- Access threat intelligence via the platform, the browser plugin, or APIs.
Threat Intelligence Services include:
- Threat Data Feeds
- CyberTrace
- APT Intelligence Reporting
- Digital Footprint Intelligence
- ICS Threat Intelligence Reporting
- Alerting
- Vulnerability Management Solution
- Information Governance
- eDiscovery
- Forensic Collection of Active Data Sets
- Detect and Repel Suspicious Behaviors in Real Time
- Vulnerability Assessment
- Patch Management
- Asset Discovery